Inspekce ochranných nátěrových systémů pro kontrolu koroze zahrnuje širokou škálu zkušebních metod a technik. V příručce Paint Inspector’s Field Guide (PIFG) je pokryta široká škála těchto kontrolních metod ve snaze pomoci jednotlivcům se základními základy kontroly ochranných nátěrů v terénu. Více
The Inspection of protective coating systems for corrosion control includes a wide range of test methods and techniques. In the Paint Inspector’s Field Guide( PIFG ) a wide range of these inspection methods are covered in an effort to aid individuals with the basic fundamentals of protective coating inspection whilst in the field.
Lee Wilson, who is a highly qualified and well respected inspector with many years of field experience, provides an excellent description of the actions performed by an inspector and the tools they use. The Paint Inspector's Field Guide covers all aspects from specification review and surface preparation works all the way through to application and final reporting.
The Paint Inspector's Field Guide is complemented by a wide range of inspection and experience notes making it easy to solve those special problems which are commonly encountered in the field. Besides the textual support, the rich graphics provide clear visual reference to inspection techniques, standards and defects. The years of experience and the editing by Brian Goldie makes the Paint Inspector's Field Guide a pleasure to read and the best reference book available.
The Paint Inspector's Field Guide is a must have tool for any individual involved or interested in corrosion control by protective coatings and the inspections required to achieve this.
The price of the Paint Inspector's Field Guide is 118.- EUR ex. works. For large quantities please contact us.
Please complete the quotation form if you would like to order. You will receive a pro forma invoice in return.
Art. No. LD3080
TQC Paint Inspectors Field Guide
Papersize: 120 x 180 mm
No pages: 198
Binding: wire-o-binding
Price: 118.- EUR ex. works
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